

(of a man)
Carry a lover to several locations inside a house (to demonstrate physical strength) before having sex.

Takuu – 1,800 speakers – Taku Atoll near Bougainville, Papua New Guinea

Piers Kelly came across this word while editing the Takuu dictionary. Richard Moyle explains that its cognates in several parts of Polynesia refer to the kingfisher bird. The kingfisher is not known on Taku Atoll, although it may have been present in the past. Even that meaning has a hidden story because the word is a compound noun: tiko 'shit', tara 'curved end of a house'.

Moyle writes: "How the term became transferred to a form of athletic foreplay remains unclear, and my dictionary collaborators were less than forthcoming."

Source: Richard M. Moyle (2011). Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics

Credit: Piers Kelly, Richard M. Moyle