dúwe daka:

[ˈdu.we̞ da.kaː]

moon (lit. night sun)

Chhé'ee Fókaa (Northeastern Pomo or Salt Pomo) – 0 speakers, Stonyford, California, USA

Unlike the other Pomoan languages, Chhé'ee Fókaa lost its original word for ‘moon’ and created a compound form, combining ‘night’ and ‘sun’.

In Chhé'ee Fókaa, animate nouns are marked for case (e.g. nominative, accusative). Here, da ‘sun’ is exceptionally classed as animate, and carries the -ka: suffix to mark nominative case.

Source: Abraham M. Halpern’s unpublished fieldnotes (Halpern .007.0078 and Halpern 007.0932) in the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages at the University of California, Berkeley.

Credits: Neil Alexander Walker, San Diego McDaniel, aka Santiago McDaniel (speaker)